Road Map

Road Map

The future plan in 2024 and 2025

MVP (Q1 2024)

Login with Twitter and Lens Profile

Allow users to log in with their existing Twitter accounts and Lens Profile.

Profile Creation

Users can set up a profile with basic details like name, photo, interests.

Users can browse publicly listed squads and search/filter to find potential matches.

Squad Creation

Logged in users can create squads with details like activity type, location, schedule.

Initial Matching Algorithm

Basic recommendation engine for potential squad matches based on profiles.

Group Chat

Logged in users can chat with squad memebers.

Share Selling

Users can buy and sell squad shares on testnet.

Early Growth (Q2 2024)

Enhanced Matching

Improve matching algorithm using machine learning on user activity data.

Referral Program

Incentivize referrals through a token-based system rewarding successful introductions.

Community Building (Q3 2024)

Analytics & Insights

Gather analytics to optimize experience and introduce monetization features.

Shoppable Squads

Monetize influencer squads through affiliate integrations for sponsored activities.

Governance Tokens

Top squads can issue profile tokens enabling decentralized governance.

Exchange Listings

Successful squad tokens could be listed on partner decentralized exchanges.

Innovation (Q4 2024 - Q1 2025)

Live Events

Integrate live streaming for virtual squad meetups and coordinated experiences.

Squad Exchange

Exchange for top squads tokens as investable assets.

Rich Media Support

Leverage technological advances to enhance content presenting and coordination of in-person activities.